QPP NPI Data Quick Lookup Tool

License & Credits | www.aaronfwright.com | GitHub Repo

Enter NPIs below, one NPI per row, without blank rows or spaces:


Performance Year:
The Performance Year option is a new addition - please double check your data.
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Want to help support development for this tool?

The web hosting and development tools used for this page and my other projects I work on in my free time are paid for out of pocket.

If this tool has made your day easier and you would like to help keep the servers spinning and coffee brewing, you can use the button below to make a secure donation:

Buy Me A Coffee

Want a certain feature that isn't there yet? Let me know in the message field on the donation page or shoot me an email.

I've also received some "thank you" emails which are always greatly appreciated! 😊


NPI Name (Last, First M) Provider Type Associated TINs Enrolled in Medicare Before Jan-1-2017 (based on PECOS enrollment date) Practice Details Mips Eligibility individual Mips Eligibility Group Individual - Non-Patient Facing Individual - Hospital Based Individual - Small Practice Individual - Rural Individual - HPSA Group - Non-Patient Facing Group - Hospital Based Group - Small Practice Group - Rural Group - HPSA

*Individual = Clinician at This practice
*Group = For This practice